Terry McCorvie

My father Terry McCorvie recently passed away. Here is his obituary.

A recording of the memorial service can be found here.

Terry McCorvie 

Ryan McCorvie

Ryan hiking through the blooms 

About me

I am an applied mathematician and statistician. I live in Oakland, California with my wife and and twin daughters.


e-mail: inquiry@mccorvie.org

Social media


Leanprover streaming

Sometimes I stream leanprover development on twitch.

Cooking channel

Check out my YouTube channel focused on Japan cooking: マコービのクッキング Ryan McCorvie's Cooking Show. Here's a recipe for teriyaki chicken.

COVID-19 modeling

Here are some COVID-related analysis I've done

COVID testing in schools

Working with colleagues at the CA Dept of Public Health and UCSF, I am coauthor of this analysis, which examines risk tradeoffs in schools for different testing policies. This was done in Spring / Summer 2021, with a view to safely reopening schools in the 2021-2022 school year.

Racial dispairities for COVID risk

Working with colleagues at the CA Dept of Public Health and Stanford, I am coauthor of this paper which analyzes racial / ethnic disparities in California for COVID risk exposure, testing and case rates

Statistical consulting

Consider hiring me for statistical consulting.

Photo gallery

Ryan on the Mountaintop 

Ryan sits and smiles